Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pictures from visits

I realized yesterday as I was organizing some photos that I forgot to put up pictures from Sarah and Alex's visit. So here are a few, and a video of us at the curling club:

On top of the Camera Obscura building:

On top of Arthur's Seat:

Most of the pictures from Karoline and Mom's visit are on their cameras, but here are a few good pictures I got of Edinburgh while we were walking around:

View from castle esplanade:

View from Calton Hill:

View of the castle from Calton Hill:

A few tidbits if your interested:

- Pistachios are apparently not as salty here as they are in the US. I'm eating some right now and they're not very good. (Update: I just dumped the bag all over my floor. Oops.)

- I'm having real trouble going to class. I've just gotten into this state of thinking that I don't have to go to classes to pass my classes, which is all I have to do. Theoretically that's true, like I can pick the topics for my final exams so I can just do a topic from classes earlier in the semester, but I really should go to class... I knew this would happen so I didn't let myself skip any classes until last week because I knew if I skipped one I would just stop going. But I got sick last week so I didn't go to class one day and that was pretty nice so now it's a habit. Only 2 weeks of classes left though (aka 4 days because I only have classes 2 days a week). You might think that it would be easy to go to class because I only have class 2 days a week but the opposite is true. I'm in this state of mind where I'm on break or vacation or something, interrupted by an occasional day of class. So instead of school punctuated by breaks, it's break punctuated by school, if that makes sense. That makes it really difficult to get motivated enough to go to class.

- The apartment search for next year is going well. My roommate has been down to St. Louis twice to check out places (she lives in Illinois) and we have a list of good looking places. If anyone has any furniture or kitchen stuff or anything like that that you would like to donate to me that would be great (think of it as payment for the endless hours of entertainment I've given you by writing this blog).

- Alex comes tonight until Monday morning. We're going to do tourist stuff, but also tomorrow night we're going with some friends to see Ruddigore, a Gilbert and Sullivan opera/musical so that should be fun.

- Dillon comes a week from tomorrow!!! I have a countdown on my desktop and the current time left is: 1 week, 0 days, 15 hours, 34 minutes and 13 seconds. So close...

- In lacrosse news, Dillon scored 8 goals in a game against Calvin last night! Also, Roosevelt has their first game tonight. Looking forward to hearing about that.

Alright I have to go pick up pistachios now... Have a good day.

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