Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2 long days

First, if you're having trouble watching the London videos, I don't know why. I uploaded them again and they still don't always work.

Yesterday was a really long day because I had class til 4 then riding 5-9. Usually I ride on Wednesdays but there was no lesson on Wednesday this week, so I wasn't going to take a lesson (since I'm riding Saturday and Sunday), but I got asked to take a spot in the Tuesday advanced lesson (because the club has to pay for 5 people even if only 4 go). So I said I would go. Big mistake.

We had to get there an hour early because the president drove us and she had to be there for one of the teams' practices. So my long day was made an hour longer by that. We just sat around in the lobby for an hour until it was time for our lesson, then that was a mess. I was on a good horse, named Rocky, but we didn't do anything. There are 2 indoor rings and one of the rings had a dog agility competition going on (apparently happens every Tuesday) so the horses didn't like that at all. A couple had big spooks but mine was ok. Then we had to split the remaining ring with the team, so we only had a little space to ride. The trainer is a different one than on Wednesdays and basically we just walked for the entire lesson. Like we did a little trotting and a little cantering but we really didn't do much at all. Not worth 22 quid.

This is a big transition semester for the club since they just moved to this barn last term so they're still trying to figure out scheduling and stuff, and the barn is under new management so they're trying to figure everything out too, like what to do in each level of lesson and which horses to bring up for each lesson. Pretty much everyone in the club has been complaining about the lessons so they're really trying to fix things, but hopefully it'll be fixed in time for me to have a few good lessons.

They're talking about making the Tuesday advanced lesson into an "advanced" advanced lesson, like a lesson for developing people who want to try out for the teams. That lesson would do more difficult stuff which would be awesome and I'd love to do it, but it's with the trainer I don't like as much, on Tuesdays with the dogs, and at the end of a long day of classes, so I'll probably just stick to Wednesdays. Oh well, I'll see how it pans out though and maybe I will end up switching to Tuesdays if it really does get better.

I was looking forward to sleeping in today since I don't have any classes, but the fire alarm went off at 9. We all stumbled outside and chatted and complained for about 20 minutes until we could go back in. It was weird seeing everyone in the building in the same place. Social worlds colliding...

The rest of the day I spent procrastinating. Instead of doing work, I did laundry, errands, and apartment searching. It was pretty much a waste of a day but oh well.

An observation that I can't remember if I've already written about: In the states, we say "what's up?" as a greeting. Here, a lot of people say "Are you ok?" as a greeting. That really threw me off at first because when someone says "Are you ok" I think that something is wrong. I asked my flatmate about this and she said that when someone says "what's up?" to her she thinks the same thing that I do about "are you ok?". Very interesting...

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