Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Scottish words

Not a lot has happened in the last two days. Yesterday I was surprisingly productive and got all my interviews done for my Society and Politics class which is great because now I can transcribe them before my tutorial on Thursday. I also turned in my first paper so that was exciting. Now I'm going to start working on my philosophy paper and my Society and Politics research paper. Last night was small group which was fun as always.

Tomorrow I'm not going to ride since I did the pony trek on Sunday, but I'm looking forward to a beach ride with the equestrian club next Wednesday! Next week should be a pretty good week. It's reading week for some classes so my Society and Politics lecture and tutorial are canceled. That's perfect because usually Thursdays are horrible because I have 4 hours of class and they're all spread out, but next Thursday I'll only have 2 hours, 2-4, which is perfect because it'll be my birthday! Plus Sarah and Alex are coming the next morning!

I realized I haven't done a Scottish/"American" glossary yet... So here are a few words that Scottish people say and their "American" equivalents:

Baggies = work out pants (not zip-loc bags...)
Are you alright? = What's up?
Wee = little
Costume = swim suit
Pants = underwear
Trousers = pants
Trainers = sneakers
Jumper = sweater
Hiya = hi
Cheers = sort of means thanks (most often heard after holding a door open for someone)
Toilet roll = toilet paper
Cannae = cannot
Essay = paper
He took the mickey then got a wee bit cheeky = I have no idea what this means but my riding instructor said it to me...

That's all I can think of right now but there are lots more. Oh, for the record, Edinburgh is pronounced "Edinbra", or "Edinbura", not "Edinburo."

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