Friday, February 26, 2010


Well I made it to Spain... barely. I got to the hostel at 4:00 this morning... Apparently there is a big strike going on with the air traffic controllers in France or something so they only let a couple planes go every hour so we sat on the tarmac for 4 hours, then a 2 and 1/2 hour flight, a one hour time difference, a 1 hour bus ride, and a walk. I wasn´t thrilled about walking around Barcelona at 4 in the morning but I made it to the hostel without anything too bad happening. Now hopefully we´ll be able to get home. Easyjet canceled their flights to Spain last night (I took Ryanair here) and I´m taking easyjet back so hopefully the strike will be resolved by then. I didn´t really mind sitting on the plane for 7 hours, I had a new book with me (Tess of the DÚrbervilles) so I stayed busy. I would have been mad if I had missed sight-seeing time in Barcelona because of it, but I can deal with a lack of sleep. I got less than 2 hours last night... Today might be a little rough.

I´m not actually sure if Alex is here or not... He had a scare because he forgot to get his visa stamp so he almost missed his flight here. I got a message saying he wasnt going to make it but he would try to get out the next morning, but then I got a call saying he somehow made it. But I don´t know if his flight actually went because of the strike. Hopefully I´ll find out soon...

Man this keyboard is really difficult to use. Everything is in the wrong place. But I can do cool things like Ñ翺ª.

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