Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where's the 'study' part of 'study abroad'?

As the title suggests, I really haven't been doing that much studying. I calculated what I need on my finals to pass my classes (which is all I have to do, my grades in those classes don't matter), and I just have to get a 16% on both finals.... so yeah I think I can manage that.

So instead of studying I've mostly just been hanging out with people, which I feel is really what I should be doing in my last weeks here. Yesterday a bunch of people from small group met up at Starbucks. It's pretty sad to think that I will most likely never see these people again after I leave in two weeks.

Today Lauren and I went to lunch at The Mosque Kitchen, which is a famous restaurant, if you can really call it that. There's a small indoor kitchen where you buy your food, basically like a school cafeteria kind of look. It's all falafel and curry and stuff, and you pick what you want. They give the food to you on paper plates then you take it outside to the eating area. There are just a bunch of long tables and it's covered, but definitely a nicer weather kind of place. The food was delicious, and very cheap.

Lauren at Mosque Kitchen:

Then we went to the Museum of Edinburgh. We walked around and saw all the exhibits (including Greyfriar's Bobby's collar and bowl).

Greyfriar's Bobby exhibit:

Our favourite part, though, was the kid's activity area. We sat next to a few kids (ages 2-4) and made our own collages out of the copious amounts of art supplies there. Below are the finished products.

On our way back to the Cowgate we went into the Museum of Childhood. We didn't go through the whole thing, but we saw a lot of old toys and stuff which was pretty interesting (including a semi-gruesome Sweeney Todd theatre thing).

After that I went back to my room to do some studying (don't worry parents- I'm planning on doing better than 16%...). My first final, Scottish History Since 1914, is on Monday, and my last final, Scotland: Society and Politics, is on Wednesday. Then I can just hang out until May 28 when I go back to Maryland.

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