Thursday, January 21, 2010

Classes and clubs

Thursdays are my worst day as far as classes go. I have 2 lectures and 2 tutorials, but they're mostly all an hour apart from each other, resulting in awkward time gaps. I had society and politics first, which was good, then an hour break so I went to the library to do some reading for my history tutorial.

Then I had my society and politics tutorial. I like my tutor, she's very knowledgeable and nice. We talked about our project ideas, and it was funny seeing the differences between Scottish students and international students. All of the international students had detailed paragraphs written about our projects ideas (which apparently were all too complicated anyway so we had to reduce the scale of our projects), while the Scottish students hadn't even started thinking about it. They told us at orientation that things like that would probably happen but it was still interesting seeing the differences. I'm still refining my project idea but essentially I'll be looking at the differences in identity markers (how people define their identity) between Scottish students and international students.

I went back to my flat for the next hour break and ate lunch, then I went to my history tutorial. The tutor that we'll normally have is the main professor for our class which is cool, but he had a meeting today so we had a different guy instead. I wish we could keep that guy because he is much more animated than the professor that we'll normally have. Oh well.

Usually after the history tutorial I'll have history lecture, but since the professor got called to that meeting the class was canceled, which is awesome.

I went grocery shopping after class, then hung out at my flat until tonight, when we went out to a club and had a great time.

This weekend we are planning a trip to Glasgow. We wanted to go to St. Andrews with the International Student Center but the tickets sold out on Monday before we got them. Then more tickets went on sale yesterday, and we still didn't get any... Apparently campus security thought the International Student Center was staging a silent protest because so many people were standing in line outside the building to get tickets. But anyway, sounds like we're going to Glasgow instead. The 2-day tour of Scotland that we want to do in a few weeks goes to St. Andrews so it all works out. It's a good weekend to go to Glasgow because they're having their Winter Festival now, and Glasgow is supposedly a big cultural center in Scotland so that should be awesome.

Now that the novelty of living here has worn off, I'll probably stop writing blog posts everyday, because they're getting progressively less interesting.

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