Friday, January 22, 2010

A relaxing day

I slept in til 11 which was awesome, then spent an hour trying to find places online to watch The Office and 30 Rock (found The Office- not worth the effort). When I finally got the energy to get out of bed I planned our trip to Glasgow tomorrow, which should be awesome. Then I went for a run in the Meadows (a big park close to my building) and felt less lazy.

After a shower and lunch I ran a few errands, figured out how to print stuff at the library, then came back and relaxed and ate dinner.

Tonight was the large group meeting for the Christian Union so Lauren and I went to that. It was great! Just like Overflow (the Christian group I used to go to at Wash U), even down to the awkward opening from the hosts. It was really great, and I met 3 new people that are awesome. One of them was actually a girl I went up Arthur's Seat with so that was random. Lauren had to go print stuff at the library afterwards but the 3 other girls and I went to an awesome little restaurant for hot chocolate and conversation. It was a good night!

Leaving on a bus for Glasgow tomorrow at 9 am, returning at 9 pm. The trip takes about an hour and 20 minutes so that's not bad at all. The people that I went up Arthur's Seat with are also going tomorrow (they're there for the weekend) so maybe we'll run into them.

Here's my schedule for the rest of my weekends up to Spring Break:
Jan 29-Feb 1: London
Feb 6-Feb 7: Tour of Scotland
Feb 13: Lindisfare/Holy Island with the International Student Center
Feb 19-Feb 22: Sarah and Alex visiting
Feb 25- March 1: Spain
March 6: Loch Lomond and family visiting
March 11- March 15: Linlithgow Palace w/ ISC
March 19- March 26: Dillon visiting
Then Spring Break and who knows what I'll be doing...

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