Sunday, January 31, 2010

Last full day in London

This morning I got up early and went to the Starbucks by church for breakfast before the service. I know, I caved in to Starbucks, but it was convenient... Alex met me there and we went to church at All Souls, which was great.

After that we walked around Hyde Park (it was another nice day, still cold) and went to Speaker's Corner where we heard one guy talking about how it's important to dance and laugh all the time and another guy talking about the war, among other things. So that was interesting. I liked the Princess Diana Memorial in Hyde Park, it's basically a circle with running water inside. We walked along the lake to Kensington Gardens where we saw the palace and people racing model sailboats.

After Hyde Park we went to the Tower of London, which was cool. Last time I was there we didn't get to spend a lot of time there so I was glad we had a few hours. We started by taking a free tour given by one of the Yeoman Warders. One cool thing he said was that the Yeoman Warders live in the Tower with their families if they have one, and that since he's a Yeoman Warder his sons and their kids and all of the generations after them can get married and baptised in the church in the Tower which I thought was really cool. There was a lot of stuff to look at in the Tower so we felt like we got our money's worth.

We didn't know what to do after the Tower because all the museums were closed so we went to church again at Holy Trinity Brompton, which was interesting.

After church we met up with Eva for dinner at a Mexican place that's like Chipotle, but not quite as good. We sat around and talked then I went back to Eva's place with her which is where I am now.

My flight leaves earlier than I thought tomorrow (it leaves at 2, I thought my bus to the airport left at 2), so I might just do Westminster Abbey tomorrow morning then go to the airport from there. If I have time I might stop by the Victoria and Albert Museum as well. It'll be nice to get back to Edinburgh early though so I can finish some work for this upcoming week and upload pictures!

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