Friday, January 15, 2010

If you didn't read this post you wouldn't be missing anything

Nothing too exciting happened today except that I slept from 1 am to 10 am without waking up, which is amazing. I don't think I've slept through a night without waking up in at least 3 years. I did eventually wake up and went to a lecture by the Registrar General which was interesting, but he talked about the exact same stuff we talked about in history yesterday. Oh well.

After that Lauren and I went to the Writer's Museum to learn all about Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns, and Sir Walter Scott, 3 natives of Edinburgh, a fact that Edinburgh is very proud of. The museum is free, and it's in an old building that used to be one of the nicest residences in Edinburgh, so the building itself is pretty cool. It was good that we went because Burns' Night is January 15, so we learned a bit about him. One weird thing that happened was I opened the guest book in the museum, like where you can write your name, a note, and where you're from, and the first entry I saw was a girl from Holland, Michigan...

After that Lauren had class so I went into a couple little shops on Nicolson, like a used book store, an art store, and a regular book store. Then I went grocery shopping and went back to my flat. All my flat mates were there so I made lunch and sat with them for a while.

Then I just did some planning for London, hung out in my flat, made some dinner, nothing

Since this was such a boring blog post, here are some fun facts:

Facts about the University of Edinburgh
- Currently ranked the 20th university in the world by the THE-QS World University Rankings
- Founded in 1582
- Has the oldest purpose-built student union building in the world (Teviot)
- Some famous alumni: David Hume, Charles Darwin, Gordon Brown, 9 nobel prize winners, 2 signers of the American Declaration of Independence, Alexander Graham Bell, J.M. Barrie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Adam Smith, Chris Hoy, Eric Liddell, and more…

Some important facts about Scotland:
- There are no graham crackers here
- There is no Hershey’s chocolate here

Zoo tomorrow, maybe I'll get attacked by a bear. That would make for a more interesting blog post.

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