Saturday, April 3, 2010

Berlin- Day 2

Today was pretty good. We got up at 8, ate breakfast at the hostel, then went to the Reichstag, which is now the parliament building. There's a cool dome thing that's free so we waited in line for about an hour and a half to do that. It was a long wait but the dome was cool and there was a nice view from the top.


Yeah we waited in that line:

Middle of the dome:

Different levels in the dome:

After that we were going to do the free tour but we thought it would be warmer so we didn't have our heavier jackets, so we decided to do the later free tour. So we went back to the hostel for our jackets, then walked through Tiergarten, a big park, to Schloss Charlettonburg, the palace. On the way we walked through a street market, and got bratwursts so that was good. We didn't have time or money to go into the palace so we just walked around the gardens which were nice.

Street market, where we got bratwursts:

Schloss Charlettonburg (palace):

Schloss Charlettonburg, viewed from the gardens:

We took the metro back to the Brandenburg Gate after that for the free tour but we were late and missed it. That was a huge bummer. So basically we just walked back to all the places I went yesterday, which is what the tour would have done, but without the information. That was really too bad.

We ended up at the Berliner Dom again, and since Dustin and I had already been in there were waited in a park by it while Alex went in.

After that we went back to Alexanderplatz, then started walking along the river looking for the East Side Gallery, which is a long section of the remaining Berlin wall that has been painted by tons of different people. It was a long walk to it but it was really cool.

East Side Gallery:

Example of part of the East Side Gallery:

Then we took the metro back to the Jewish Museum and went in there for about an hour and a half until it closed at 8. It was a really interesting museum because of the way that it was designed, like it's a really weird shape and the design features have all this meaning and stuff.

Jewish Museum:

After that we went to dinner, now we're back at the hostel. Leaving for Prague tomorrow morning.

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