Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prague Day 2- Prachovské skály

The blog is completely up to date, so if you want, you can go back and look at pictures in past entries now. Ill add a few videos when I can find a computer that works. Pictures are on facebook now, and will hopefully be captioned soon.

Today was AWESOME. Seriously incredible.

I started off the morning with a metro ride to the bus station. It was quite the adventure figuring out where to buy a ticket, then actually buying the ticket. Nobody spoke English but eventually I ended up with the right ticket. After a bit of a wait, I got on a bus to Jičín. The ride took about an hour and a half and was really fun. I just listened to my ipod and enjoyed the scenery. I kept having to remind myself that I was in the Czech Republic! Crazy!

I got to Jičín, a little town, then I had to figure out which bus to take to Prachov. I wandered around a bit, then eventually decided to ask someone. Luckily I had written down the Czech name of the place I wanted, Prachovské skály, in case I had to show it to someone, and that came in handy. I picked the right lady to ask. She didnt speak English but she knew the place on my piece of paper and found the right stop for me. That was very nice of her. Unfortunately the bus only came every 2 hours and I had just missed it. Bummer. So I decided to walk around the town.

Jičín is a really nice place, I liked it a lot. I found the main square and a nice tree lined street and some other stuff. Here are a few pictures.

I had brought a lunch with me so I ate it in the main square, then went back to the bus station. When the bus came, I managed to get a ticket to the place I wanted to go, and luckily the stop where I was getting off was right next to the entrance to the park so it was well marked. No problems there. Prachov is a tiny little village at the base of the mountain so it was pretty exciting riding the bus to it. I was quite proud of myself for managing to get there without anybody speaking English. What an adventure! I love stuff like that.

After a bit of wandering and some gesturing between me and a lady at the entrance to the park, I managed to find the start of the hiking trail. Within 5 minutes I was getting incredible, incredible views. Oh my gosh. I couldnt stop grinning, it was absolutely spectacular. As I kept going the views kept getting better and better. Plus it was a gorgeous day: blue skies and perfectly sunny, I was quite comfortable in just a t-shirt and I even got a little tan.

I just cant describe how gorgeous this place was. Pictures are on facebook, but here are a couple. There are also some videos (UPDATE: videos are on the "Prague- Day 3 post), since I think those can give you a better feeling for the place than pictures. I didnt really pick the best ones or anything, these are just a sample. Look at the ones on facebook!

Im really having problems with this computer so those are the only photos Im going to put up here and the videos arent working so maybe Ill put those up another day, but just take my word for it, it was awesome.

I lucked out and got back to the bus station just before a bus was about to come (I would have had to wait 2 more hours if Id missed that one). So I got back to Jičín with no problems, then I couldnt find the bus stop to go back to Prague because it was a different one then the one where I got dropped off. I asked a bus driver for Praha and he said something and pointed somewhere but I didnt understand so I went back to sitting on what I thought was the right bench. He called me back a couple minutes later and gave me a piece of paper where he had written the bus stop number and the time of the next bus, and through gesturing I figured it out. Nice guy.

So I got back to the city, showered, ate dinner, wandered around the city for a bit, now Im uploading pictures and stuff. It was a really great day. Leaving for Budapest tomorrow afternoon.

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