Sunday, April 18, 2010

Munich- Day 4- Neuschwanstein

I dont have time to write a full post but Ill say the highlights. I went to Neuschwanstein Castle today. Thats the castle that the Disney castle is based on, and the one in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The weather was terrible, the castle was awesome. Very much a fairy tale castle. Ill write more another day with pictures. Right now I need to figure out where Im going since all flights are cancelled for at least the next couple days. So far Im going to Salzburg, Austria tomorrow and spending the night there. I dont know what Im doing from there.


I decided to do a tour to Neuschwanstein because it was cheaper (group train rates), and much easier since there were train transfers and a bus and stuff. The tour left at 9:30. The train ride was about 2 hours long, and along the way I got to know the other people in the group. There were 15 of us, and I was the youngest, which I expected. There were people from Chicago, DC, South Africa, Russia, and more, and I got to have some great conversations. The people really saved the day because the weather was terrible, so at least there were people to commiserate with.

The weather was ok when we left Munich, but it was pouring by the time we got into the mountains. The scenery along the way was stunning though. You really cant beat the Alps for scenery.

We got lunch in the little touristy area at the base of the mountain that the castle is on when we arrived. Then we went to see the other castle in that area, Hohenschwangau Castle, where the guide gave us some history on "mad" King Ludwig II who built those castles. Ludwig was really into old legends about knights and fairy tales and stuff, and Neuschwanstein was built purely for his pleasure, so no real purpose whatsover.

Hohenschwangau Castle:

Hohenschwangau Castle and lakes:

After the history lesson, we started hiking up the mountain. It was pouring rain, so I broke down and bought an umbrella. If I was going to buy an umbrella I wish I´d done it a week ago in rainy Vienna....

We got up to Neuschwanstein Castle, but still had about an hour until our official tour inside, so we went to the bridge that gives an awesome view of it. Im sure the view on a clear day would be incredible.

View of Neuschwanstein from the bridge:

Great scenery:

Then we went in for our guided tour. The castle really is a fairy tale castle. Its dedicated to composer Richard Wagner, who was friends with Ludwig, so the rooms each have a theme based on different Wagner operas. The castle was never finished because Ludwig was deposed as king for being insane, then died mysteriously. Each room is lavishly decorated. There`s even a room that´s a fake cave, complete with stalagtites and stuff. Apparently in another of his castles (I think he built 4), one of the rooms is a huge cave with a lake that he would sail a boat in. The cave in Neuschwanstein is Venus`s Grotto, apparently from a Wagner play.

So yeah inside the castle was pretty sweet. Unfortunately we werent allowed to take pictures.

It was still pouring when we left the castle. There was about an hour after the tour until we had to leave (usually we would hike around but the weather was awful), so I walked back down the hill and got hot chocolate until it was time to go.

The ride back was nice, it was fun talking with new people.

I definitely want to go back someday in nice weather. It looks like there is some great hiking around there, and Im sure the views are fantastic.

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