Thursday, April 22, 2010

Salzburg to Eindhoven

This morning I woke up in Salzburg, Austria. 11 hours, 2 buses, 5 trains, and over 400 miles later, I am in Eindhoven, Netherlands. It was a surprisingly easy trip with no problems. There was great scenery the whole way (is there anywhere in Europe that doesn't have great scenery?), so I just listened to my ipod the whole time and looked out the window. I really love train rides.

I'm staying with family friends in Eindhoven, and it is so nice to be in a real house. I even got a home cooked meal tonight. I dont know what it was but it was delicious and I was told it was a very traditional Dutch dish.

Unfortunately the day couldn't be without it's mishaps. I don't know exactly what happened, but my debit card has been compromised (there was some weird unauthorized activity on it) so it has been canceled. Now I have no way to get cash. All part of the Europe experience right? I'm not bothered, it just adds to the adventure.

Amsterdam tomorrow.

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