Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bratislava- Day 1

I`m on the computer in the hostel so I don`t have time to write a full post about everything I did today. I`ll try to find an internet cafe tomorrow to upload pictures and write a more comprehensive post.

The train ride from Budapest to Bratislava was good, it was only about 3 hours long and I had my own compartment, so I felt like I was on the Hogwarts Express.

More beautiful scenery:

My own compartment:

The weather was nice in the morning but was starting to get cloudy when I got to Bratislava around noon. I checked in to the hostel then went out to explore the city. It`s nicer than I thought it would be, and more touristy than I expected. It rained for a while but cleared up after that. I saw all the main sites in a couple hours.

View from St. Michael's tower:

St. Michael's tower:

Novy Most, the UFO bridge:

Main square:

There are lots of random statues on the streets in Bratislava. Here are a couple:



French soldier in the main sqaure:

Some more sights:

Bratislava Castle:

Opera house:

Blue Church:

President's residence:

So yeah that's a taste of Bratislava. I saw more stuff but it's not worth being more specific. I'll put pictures up on facebook as soon as I can.

Tonight I`m just taking it easy. I`m tired from 2 weeks of constant traveling so I`m just hanging out at the hostel. I know it sounds lame, but it`s really nice just to relax. It`s my last night by myself so I`m making the most of being able to do whatever I want!

Devin Castle and maybe some hiking in the Carpathian Hills tomorrow.

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