Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bratislava- Day 2

Bratislava has been my relaxing time. I saw the city in a few hours yesterday, and have just been "recharging" since. Last night I just hung out in the hostel and read. This morning I intended to take the bus out to Devin Castle, then hike around there, but the easy bus to Devin doesnt run on weekends and I couldnt be bothered to figure out the other bus, so I just stayed in Bratislava.

There was a big race this morning. Apparently its one of the oldest still run races in Europe, and is a pretty big deal. It goes from Devin (ironically) to Bratislava city center, which is where I was. I saw the end of the kid's race then stuck around for the end of the adult's race, since I didnt have anything else to do. It was very exciting, the whole city came out for it and lined the streets to cheer the runners on. Made me want to do a marathon. Ha.


After that I literally just wandered around the city for like 4 hours. I wanted to find an internet cafe to finally upload Budapest pictures and put up blog pictures for Bratislava, but I couldnt find any, which Im disappointed about. Vienna is going to be very busy with a lot of stuff to see and I dont want to get too far behind on pictures and blogging.

After I wandered around the city I went back to my hostel to do laundry and wait for Emily. She arrived, and saw the city center while I finished my laundry. We were going to go to a concert but we couldnt find the church. The address was #2 on this street, but when we went to find it the addresses literally went from 1 to 3. So we were confused and gave up and went to dinner instead. We had a delicious dinner, now we're back at the hostel planning Vienna.

Sunset over the Danube:

Im really excited for Vienna! The weather isnt supposed to be good though, which is really too bad. I cant believe Im going back to Edinburgh in 5 days! Crazy.

Oh, I forgot to say that when I was at the concert in Budapest the people sitting in front of me were from Greenbelt! How crazy is that? I said I went to Roosevelt and they got all excited.

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